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  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會 本屆展會
  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會,中國最具影響力三大珠寶展之一,中國春季第一大珠寶展!50000余平方米展覽場地,2200余家參展商,來自20個國家和地區。超過80000名買家,來自35個國家和地區,專業買家將達到70%以上。本屆展會著力為珠寶生產、經銷商及協會、媒體、等社會大眾搭建交流交易平台的宗旨,力邀美國、韓國、中國台灣、香港、斯裏蘭卡等國內外珠寶首飾優秀企業,展示最新珠寶首飾及行業趨勢新品發布,提升珠寶品牌傳播,推動珠寶市場高速發展。
      2016 China international jewellery exhibition, this is one of China's three biggest jewellery; it is the largest professional jewellery of northern spring! We have over 50000 square meters exhibition area, and more than 2200 exhibitors. The exhibition focus on jewellery production, dealers, and society, the media, and the public exchange set the aim of the trading platform, we invited the United States, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, such as jewellery outstanding enterprises in China and abroad, we are going to Show the latest jewellery industry trends and new product release, it is promoting the development of jewellery market and brand with high-speed.

      2016 China international jewellery exhibition will be the latest squad holding kicks off, lots of new points will let you unforgettable: International experts lecture, Beautiful models deduce luxury, and live auctions such as many concurrent activities, live promoted invite you to share!
    “Opening ceremony”―Leaders present, large-scale performances, and the 30.000 scene spectators collection will bring about a boom on the spot and numerous business opportunities.

    Jewelry expert on-site seminars-- Popularity of jewelry expertise, propaganda of corporation jewelry quality

    "Photography Competition" - -A unique display of exhibits, free publicity for your product

    "The industry's top designers’ new conference" -- A combination of beauty and charm jewelry, absorbing public attention

    "Products vote for Crafts Awards”-- Present your exhibit’s unique charm among thousands of excellent products to attract all eyes

    "Auction" --To show the best jewelry charm, look for the top collections

    "Lottery of valuable jewelry"-- Prizes for you as long as you purchase, shopping activities promote consumption

    Quality Assurance
      “Free jewelry appraise”―Brand reputation that can make your product win more trust.
    Professional buyers come to purchase in groups, 50.000 purchasers and professional buyers from home and abroad. We will build an excellent platform for negotiation and interaction.

    ◆Industry pioneer, topped the list of all!
      Among China's three big professional jewellery exhibition! This is the NO.1 jewelry fair in spring of China. Over 30000 square meters exhibition areas, more than 1500 exhibitors. A dozen countries and regions of famous brand to attend the exhibition;

    ◆Elite team, a strong attack!
      We have a nearly 10 years of experience in exhibition of high-quality team; we held in Shanghai, Qingdao has more than the tenth international jewellery exhibition;

    ◆Leading mode, professional operation!
      The organizing committee of the AD hoc professional buyers service department to check buyers demand and purchasing intention, we use powerful database information and industry resources with diverse promotion service, we will make full vast information platform covering the Beijing area.

    ◆Multi-pronged, invite the audience!
      Lock industry 50000 important buyers, Directional straight &news details; 4006-0532-08 is free consultation telephone, In numerous industry websites to spread the exhibition information, according to various clues intended audience relaxed registration exhibition, professional customer service staff will also detailed the progress of the show to registration follow-up to remind the audience;

    ◆Professional buyers, huge lineup!
      More than 70000 over the audience, they are from the United States, France, Switzerland, Japan, Korea, Italy, Russia, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and other countries and regions of international buyers and professional buyers to purchase, purchasing to real industry summit;

    ◆Strong propaganda, solid work!
      Organizing committee dedecates road hand in the 21st century jewellery network, Shenzhen jewellery network, jewellery magazine, wealth, find resources, international jewellery network, China jewellery marketing network, "business" and so on many famous media comprehensive publicity and exhibition industry, to ensure that the exhibition information unblocked.

    ◆Trade bridge, online business opportunities!
      High-profile industry seminars and peak BBS, designed for communication industry elite to reception, business negotiation, communication, do what you need, this exhibition will be the key industry trends, it’s the best trade window enterprise strength!

  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會 展覽範圍
  • 鉆石寶石:Diamonds and Jades:
    Diamond, Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald, Semi-Precious Stone, Artificial Gemstone,Crystal,Tourmaline;
    珠寶首飾:Jewellery Ornament

    White Gold, Gold, Platinum, Silver, K-Gold, Palladium, Diamond, Gemstone, Inlaid Jewelries,Simulated Jewelries, Golden Accessories, Pearl, Jadeite Ornaments.

    珍珠珊瑚:Pearl and Coral:
    Coral, Precious Coral, Coral Accessory.

    玉 石 類:Jades:
    Jadeite, Hetian Jade, Shoushan Stone, Blood Stone, Qingtian Stone, Balin Stone, Xiuyan Jade.

    設備儀器:Equipment and Instruments:
    Jade Processing Equipments、Jewelry Tools, Testing Instruments, Cleaning Equipment, Manage Software, Display and Packing Items, etc.

    流行飾品:Fashion Ornaments:
    Artificial Gemstone, Mental Ornaments, Accessories, Stainless-Steel Ornaments, etc.

  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會 參展費用
  • 16000

  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會 註意事項
  • 1、填好申請表,加蓋公章後與企業工商登記證復印件傳真至組委會,展位按照“先報名、先付款、先分配”的原則安排。會前一個月組委會將郵寄《參展手冊》及確定展品運輸、住宿等事項。
    1、Fulfill your application form first, and then send the fax of industrial and commercial registration certificate copy with official seal to the organizing committee. The principle of booth arrangement is in accordance with "first register, first payment, first distribution" . The organizing committee will post "exhibition manual" and determine the exhibit transportation accommodation, etc. one month before the meeting beginning.

    2. Within 5 days after applying for booth, full payment must be remitted to the organizing committee, otherwise, the booth will not be retained. If all payment is not remitted within the prescribed time, the application will be canceled , and the application fee will not be refundable without the agreement of the organizing committee .Upon confirmation of the application form, if the exhibitor requires to cancel the application, the application fee will not be refundable without the agreement of the organizing committee . Do not transfer the booth or exhibit something which has nothing to do with the exhibition content products, otherwise the participation qualifications will be canceled. What’s more, the final adjustment right is reserved by the organizing committee.

    Successive previous customers can enjoy preferential measures, and please contact the organizing committee for details.

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  • 中國國際展覽中心(老館) 展館介紹
  • 中國國際展覽中心(老館)

    介紹:中國國際展覽中心位於北京市朝陽區北三環東路6號,由中展集團下屬的北京國展國際展覽中心有限責任公司經營... >>詳細
  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會 展會概況
  • 開幕日期:2016-04-08

  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會 組織機構
  • 批準單位:



  • 2016中國國際珠寶首飾展覽會 參展聯絡
  • 海名國際會展集團
    手機:18353069255 13370836197

  • 其他展會