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公司名稱: 昆明中國國際旅行社出境旅遊中心
昆明中國國際旅行社出境旅遊中心所在省份城市省份城市: 雲南 , 昆明市
昆明中國國際旅行社出境旅遊中心所屬品牌品  牌: 國旅
昆明中國國際旅行社出境旅遊中心地址地  址: 中國雲南省昆明市環城南路285號老旅遊局
昆明中國國際旅行社出境旅遊中心電話電  話: 0871-- 3566787.3566791.3566792.6684894
更  多: 昆明市旅行社

昆明中國國際旅行社出境旅遊中心位於 中國雲南省昆明市環城南路285號老旅遊局,是昆明旅行社中比較知名的旅行社,也是國際旅行社連鎖店中服務和運營很好的公司,昆明中國國際旅行社出境旅遊中心為旅遊者代辦出境、入境和簽證手續,招徠、接待旅遊者,為旅遊者安排食宿,旅遊線路提供向導等服務。

雲南十強第一名“創一流的隊伍,創一流的服務,創一流的管理,塑造隊伍的新形象”是重塑昆明國旅新形象的關鍵。昆明國旅是雲南省最大的旅行社,有過輝煌燦爛的歷史。在當今旅遊市場競爭日趨激烈的情況下,銳意進取才能不斷創新,要幹工作,就要大膽探索。要成就事業,就要勇於開拓,敢於超越自我,打破原來的模式,走出一條新路。團結是企業走向成功的關鍵,以市場為中心,以經濟效益為目的,提高員工的各項業務水平,建立一支高素質的市場營銷隊伍。加強各方面的業務學習和培訓,樹立正確的市場營銷理念,加大管理的力度,最大程度的吸引客戶。真正做到事業留人,感情留人,待遇留人。做到大事講原則,小事講風格,共事講團結,辦事講效率。我願意和全社員工一起,同甘共苦,團結幹事,重振昆明中國國旅的雄風,再創一次輝煌。旅遊是我一生中最熱愛的事業,我願永遠為之而奮鬥。“Create the NO1 troupe, the NO1 service,the NO1 management,portray the new image ” is the key point to portray new KMCITS KMCITS is the biggest travel service in Yunnan with glorious history Under the situation of tourist markets’ competition, opening up and going forward can create new continuouslyIf you want to achieve success in your work, you should be brave in pioneering and excelling yourself, break through old model and find out a new wayUnity is the key to get the success for the enterprise ,take the market as goal and economic benefit as aim,arouse the professional levels of staff, establish a market sale group with high quality Strengthen the professional study and training from different fields, set up the correct theory of market sales; strengthen the management, attract tourists with great effort Keep the staff by cause, emotion, treatment Do big thing with principles, do small things with characteristics, do things together with unity and handle things with efficiencyI hope I can do all the things with staff to create the glory of KMCITS againTourism is my favourite cause in my life, I will always try my best to do it well昆明國旅簡介莊子曰:“天地有大美而不言;四時有明法而不議;萬物有成理而不說。聖人者,原天地之美,而達萬物之理”。美之所以在莊子哲理中具有核心之地位,是因為莊子認為聖人要能原天地之美,始能達至萬物之理。因而,美對於莊子而言可以說是智慧之鑰。天地有大美而不言,以是任何關於美的言論皆無法相稱於天地大美之故。天地之美雖然真實無妄,但卻是不可言喻的。唯有透過對於自然之美的心領神會,人始得以達致真理。現代旅遊事業的終極目標,即是為人們帶來美好愉悅的生理與心理感受,讓人們在與自然世界、人文世界水乳交融的審美活動中發現美、體驗美,乃至達到把握智慧之鑰、領悟萬物之理的境界。無論哲人亦或俗人,皆可在天地之美中得到感動。“與彩雲行,享天地美”既高度濃縮地概括出昆明中國國旅作為全國百強、雲南第一國際旅行社的行業特征,也揭示了企業對品質和服務的不懈追求。雲南是彩雲的故鄉。到彩雲之南旅行,隨彩雲環遊世界;體現出昆明中國國旅為遊客提供入境遊、出境遊和國內遊等全方位服務的業務領域,也表達了昆明國旅對遊客的美好祝福。“與彩雲行,享天地美”。讓昆明中國國旅作為美的使者,攜彩雲相伴,與您一道分享天地之大美吧。昆明中國國際旅行社(昆明國旅)成立於一九五六年,是雲南省成立最早的旅行社,為中國國際旅行社集團成員、中國旅行社協會副會長單位、昆明市旅行社協會會長單位。企業資產八仟柒佰萬元,全社員工除了經驗豐富的外聯銷售、計劃調配和其他相關業務人員外,還擁有獲得國家旅遊局資格認證的英、法、德、日、泰、越、意、粵、語、普通話等語種的優秀翻譯導遊。昆明中國國旅多年來一直榮獲全國國際旅行社百強和雲南省20強國際社第一名。昆明中國國旅主要經營的業務範圍:組織及接待外國公民、華人華僑、港澳台居民來華旅遊,中國公民出境旅遊和國內旅遊等業務。昆明中國國旅總部設在雲南省省會昆明市,環城南路285號省旅遊局內,在雲南大理、麗江、西雙版納和泰國有投資控股的旅行有限公司(大理國旅、麗江國旅、西雙版納國旅和雲泰國際旅遊),及全資的旅遊汽車公司(昆明國旅旅遊汽車公司)。昆明中國國旅一貫秉承“誠信服務”經營理念,並以“4P旅遊新理念”,為企業發展的行為準則。昆明中國國旅以用心至深的優質服務意識為遊客帶來舒適;以用情至真的線路設計滿足每一個旅遊團隊的個性化需求;我們的奉獻讓您在彩雲行、天地美的旅遊中,感悟昆明中國國旅名牌品質的與眾不同。“與彩雲行,享天地美。” 出遊首選昆明中國國旅。昆明中國國際旅行社成立於1956年5月,前身是雲南省外事辦公室接待處,後更名為雲南省旅遊局接待處暨中國國際旅行社昆明分社;主要承擔中外領導人及隨員、外交官、專家、友好人士、過境和遊覽外賓的接待,為國家政治、對外友好交流服務。1992年6月,國旅昆明分社晉升為國家一類旅行社,正式更名為“昆明中國國際旅行社”。昆明中國國旅在歷史上留下了光輝的足跡,曾接待過:英國女皇伊麗沙白二世、美國水仙花選美小姐、美國飛虎隊、新加坡前副總理李顯龍、英國皇家花卉協會考察團、法國花卉植物考察團等重要團體;組織過:中泰自駕車拉力賽;承辦過:瑞士銀行金融投資風險會議、“殼”牌機油全國定貨會、默沙東杭州(中國)總部制藥廠會議、法國鱷魚中國國內定貨會、中國圖書節會議、中國首屆民營企業交易會會議、中國“好孩子”集團全國供銷工作會議、北極高峰論壇周ASSW、2004環球小姐中國賽區昆明預選賽、佳能全國銷售大會、花旗銀行貿易活動等重要活動。4P 旅遊新概念Public 服務大眾:1集入境旅遊、出境旅遊和國內旅遊為一體的專業旅遊服務運營商。2滿足社會各階層人士的不同旅遊需要。Professional 專業精湛:1規範化的操作流程和高素質的業務團隊。2覆蓋觀光、休閑、商務、考察、探險等多種類旅遊產品。Passional 充滿激情:1開拓性地運作每一個團隊,使行程精彩紛呈。2全情投入,用心服務。Perfect 追求完美1註重每個細節的操作與控制,力求旅遊盡善盡美。2深化創新,提升品質。Zhuangzi said:“The heaven and the earth show their beauty with no word, four seasons regulate nature without any discussion, all things develop quietly in accordance with the law of nature The saints are those who have mastered the law of the nature originated from the beauty of heaven and the earth” Beauty, the key point in Zhuangzi’s philosophy is because he thought if saint see the beauty of the world, he can get the truth of everythingSo beauty to Zhuangzi can be the key of wisdomWhat the heaven and the earth show their beauty with no word is that the talking about the beauty can not compare with the original beauty of the world Although the beauty of the world is really true, it can not express by talk Man in order to get the truth of everthing, must see the beauty of the nature by heart and mind The final goal of modern tourism is to bring the good feeling from physiology and mentality, and let people find the beauty,experience the beauty and finally reach the area of control key of wisdom and understand the realm of truth with everythingWhoever,saint or ordinary people, can be deeply moved by the beauty of the worldTRAVEL WITH CLOUDE, ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF THE WORLD summarizes highly the professional characteristics of KCITS as one of 100 international travel service in China and NO1 in Yunnan, at the same time show the unremitting pursuit with high quality and good serviceYunnan is the homeland of colourful cloud Coming to travel in Yunnan, travelling around the world show that KMCITS has supplyied the all-round service of inbound, outbound and domestic tour, and expressed the good wishes to the travellersTravel with clouds, enjoy the beauty Let KMCITS become the angel of beauty and accompany you with the colourful clouds and enjoy the beauty of the worldKunming China International Travel Service(KMCITS) was established in 1956 with a capital of 87million yuan RMBIt is the earlist travel agency in Yunnan, the memberof CITS Group, the union of the deputy chairman of China Travel Association, the chairman of Kunming Travel Service AssociationIt not only boatsts well-experienced salesman, planners,operators and other relative personnel, but also boasts excellent tour guides and interpreters of English, French, German, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Itanlian, Cantonese and Mandarin certificated by CANTKMCITS has a wonderful history KMCITS has been honored with 100 international travel services in China and with NO1 of 20 international travel services in Yunnan provinceKMCITS is specialized in orgnizing and receiving inbound tour for foreigners,overseas Chinese and residents of Hongkong,Macao and Taiwan, and authorized for outbound tour and domestic tour for Chinese residentsThe head office of KMCITS is located in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan province KMCITS has set up 3 joint-stock companies in Dali, Lijiang and BangkokThere are DLCITS, LJCITS and Yunnan Travel(Thailand) CoLTD Moreover, it also has a self-invested travel automobile company“Credit is our life” this is the management concept of KMCITS, “4P New Concepts of Tourism” is our acting principle of our company’s development KMCITS will give our honored tourists completely new feelingHer hearty quality service will bring unprecedented comfort to every tourist, and her sensational tailor-made tour itineraries will make every characteristic tour group satisfactoryOur dedication will enable you to feel spontaneously the quality of outstanding name brand differentWhen you want to travel, please choose KMCITS firstKMCITS was founded in May 1956, and ever the reception department of Yunnan Foreign Affair Office, and then changed as reception department of Yunnan Travel & Tourism Administration Bureau attached with China International Travel Service Kunming Branch, the main work was to recive the leaders of international and domestic, diplomats,specialists,and tourists visiting Kunming, supplying the good service for the national politic and outside friendship exchangeIn 1992, it became the first grade travel service and was named with Kunming China International Travel ServiceKMCITS has left the glorious footstep in the history, which has recived THE QUEEN ELIZABETH II OF UK, AMERICAN NARCISUS LADIES’ GROUP, THE DELEGATION OF AMERICAN FLYING TIGER, THE FORMER DEPUTY MINISTER OF SINGAPORE MRLEE HSIEN LOONG, THE BRITISH ROYAL PLANTATION ASSOCIATION RESEARCH GROUP, THE FRENCH PALPATION RESEARCH GROUP and so on; has successfully organized SINO-THAILAND CAR DRIVING; has taken THE CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITIONS OF INTERATIONAL AND DEMESTIC SUCH AS SWISS BANK INVESTMENT RISK CONFERENCE, THE NATIONAL “SHELL” OIL MARKETING CONFERENCE, FRANCE CROCODILE CHINA DOMESTIC PURCHSING CONFERENCE, CHINA BOOK EXHIBITION, CHINA IRSTNON-STATE ENTERPRISE FAIR, CHINA “GOOD CHILDREN ” GROUP SALES FAIR, THE ARCTIC SUMMIT SEMINAR WEEK, KUNMING PRELIMINARY CONTEST OF CHINA REGION FOR GLOBAL LADIES 2004, CANON NATIONAL SALES FAIR, CITYBANK TRADE ACTIVITIES, and so on 4P New Concepts of TourismPublic:Serve the public1The special travel operator with inbound,outbound and domestic tourism2To satisfy the different tourist requests of all kinds of people in societyProfessional:Professional experience1Normative operation and high quality tour operative staff2The multi tourists’ products covered with sightseeing, leisure, business, research, explore and so onPassionate: Enthusiasm1To operate every tour group with open mind so that the tour will be nicer and more attractive2To work with all enthusiasm and supply the best servicePerfect: Perfection with high quality1To emphasize the detail operation and control, make sure the tour will be arranged perfectly2To deepen the creation and raise the quality

  • 昆明市門票
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  • 昆明市線路
  • 昆明市高爾夫
市場價:HK$ 255
HK$ 202
HK$ 490
HK$ 33
HK$ 33
HK$ 550
市場價:HK$ 685
HK$ 457
HK$ 580
HK$ 138
HK$ 332
HK$ 473
【夢回桃花源 · 被隱秘的滇東南絕世美景7日遊】斗南花市-團山村-建水古城-沙甸清真寺-元陽梯田-普者黑
市場價:HK$ 18823
HK$ 12549
HK$ 7007
市場價:HK$ 10589
HK$ 9120
HK$ 3600
HK$ 5090
HK$ 1995
HK$ 3315